The Google Pixel 3 XL will have its OLED display supplied by LG, according to usually reliable Twitter tipster Ice Universe. The industry insider has posted his comment on Chinese social site Weibo, and it comes after he posted an image of some front panels of both the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL, which showed the larger device to have a notch. Google Pixel 3 specs, release date, news and rumours Ice Universe hasn't said where his information has come from, nor has he given any other details about the phone, but considering LG supplied the panel for the Pixel 2 XL, it wouldn't come as much of a surprise. However, the LG panel used on the Pixel 2 XL wasn't exactly the best ever, as it had a few issues, mainly colours that just looked wrong. Google issued a patch fix that helped to boost colours by 10 per cent, which we felt sort of worked, but ultimately the display ruined what could have been a truly excellent smartphone for us. To that end, hearing that LG will once ag...